Friday, March 5, 2010

Power of Subliminal Mind Control - How to Enhance Your Hypnotic Performance Through Trance Rhythm

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Think conversational hypnosis is too difficult to master?

Think again. All it takes is practice. And know how.

Here's a powerful way to enhance your mind control power - using trance rhythm and tone.

Let me explain.

Have you ever listened to a soothing piece of piano music, and you felt that you are being sucked in?

If you do, it's because the rhythm of the music attracts you. And it pulls you in to the "other realm".

Now, if you can speak with voice that has a particular rhythm, you too can achieve the same effect as with the music.

With a change in rhythm, you can alter the state of another person's mind to perceive you differently.

Just look at the way Michael Jackson enthralls the crowd?

If you notice, when he sings a fast number, he move fast and swiftly across the floor. Waving and moving his hands according to the beat.

What is he doing?

He is building the "rhythm". His voice and body "rhythm" becomes one.

When the song is fast, he goes fast. When the song is slow, he goes slowly. It's like poetry in motion.

And the crowd can't help but be irresistibly drawn in to the whole spectacle.

Such techniques need a lot of physical practice. You can do this by clapping and moving your body. And counting them out. 1-2-3-4. 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3. And so on.

This is just an example. You can try out with 2,3 or 4s rhythm. Have the rhythm inside both your head and mind. And build the rhythm with your language. To your audience, your voice will sound like a magnetic symphony. Poetic rhythm that is captivating.

This trance rhythm technique is so powerful you can even get the person in and out of a trace just by changing your rhythm. If you want to master conversational hypnosis and mind control, then learning how to get your "trance" rhythm right is a must.

To learn more about how you can get powerful, irresistible and magnetic influence over others, click below to find out more...

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