Thursday, July 29, 2010

Learning to Play a Musical Instrument

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Learning how to play a musical instrument is not as overwhelming as it sounds. If you have the desire and motivation, you're already half way there. Most people who want to learn to play an instrument are overshadowed by self doubt. They think that if you were not born playing an instrument, you'll never grasp it. This is utter nonsense.

All you need is patience, time and a good instructor. You will also need to have your own instrument. It is pointless taking up the guitar, piano or drums if you have not got your own instrument to practice on.

It is also not true that you have to start taking lessons from an early age. You are never too old to learn something new. In fact, taking up a musical instrument, at any age, can be very rewarding. You don't have to be the next Kieth Richards. You just have to be as good as you want to be. As long as you are having fun and getting pleasure from what you are learning, then you are doing something correctly.

It is important to get an instructor who knows what style of music you are hoping to learn. You should also feel totally at home and comfortable with this instructor. Most of the time, instructors are willing to come to your house to teach you. Alternatively, there are smaller music academies that you can go. When you are buying your instrument of choice, why not ask the sales person who is assisting you for a list of music teachers in your area?

Once you have started taking lessons and learnt a few chords and tunes, you will need to practice if you want to be any good at what you are playing. If you are enjoying the instrument that you chose, practicing will not feel like a chore to you but something that you cannot wait to do at the end of a stressful day or as soon as you get out of bed in the morning!

Music is very therapeutic and good for your soul. So if you've always wanted to learn, do not waste one more day.

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