Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Michael Jackson "King of Pop" Moonwalking Above

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Michael Jackson, the king of pop, certainly showed the world in his own style that he was truly the Great king of pop with a heart of gold. He cared for those he came across and provided for their welfare. The charities to which he contributed came as a surprise to many. Being featured in Guinness World Records for his contributions is really a wonderful deed in his support of the needy. He also held various Guinness World Records for his performance as a musical artist and for the most sales of records. Truly, Michael Jackson was an artist who cared about others and shared his wealth for the betterment of human kind.

As a musician on the cutting edge, his music was always in the hearts of people. Additionally, his dancing sets the stage for many to enjoy and practice. His Moonwalk dance captured the hearts of many across the globe. He brought smiles across the faces of many when he broke out into his Moonwalk dance. It was just amazing! This is one dance the world will never forget. As a sign of appreciation, I have written the following poem as a tribute to Michael Jackson with the titles of some of his songs:

Michael's Jackson 'Moonwalk' Poem

He walked across the stage like it was the Moon

So many are sad that he has Gone Too Soon

He does it smiling like a Dancing Machine

Even when singing the wonderful Billie Jean

He touched many with words in Beautiful Girl

He reached out and states We Are the World

Many now look in the sky for a Dancing Machine

To see the Moonwalk that made them screamed.

© Joseph S. Spence, Sr.

© All Rights Reserved.

Michael Jackson has established the standards for singers and dancers. He has helped many and is still loved by many across the world. May he continued to sing and dance in his own world, as the world looks high to see him dancing one day across the Moon.

Submitted by "Epulaeryu Master."

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