Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Michael Jackson - Can You Heal a Damaged Childhood?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Michael Jackson's unorthodox upbringing with a strict, controlling, abusive father could go a long way to explain his troubled latter years as an adult. Adult children of addicted or dysfunctional parents often grow up stunted emotionally, frozen in a "lost childhood" depicted in his haunting song and music video, "Have You Seen My Childhood?"

For me, this song captures the essence of his damaged "inner child" and fixation with recovering his lost childhood. He sings about searching in the "lost and found of his heart for a childhood I've never known."

As an emotional-energy healer, I inevitably help clients tap into and heal their "inner child". This is the place they have been frozen in time with a memory embedded in their unconscious. They need to "break free fast" (as I call the system I have created) to move onto living a healthy fulfilling life. This is key to my work with Emotional Freedom Tapping which can erase a negative belief implanted from childhood - in minutes.

Imagine the difference it might have made if Jackson, for instance, had been given the chance to use EFT to release the cruel "Big Nose" taunt he said his father shamed him with as a youngster.

Damage from parents and toxic "care-takers" or older siblings when you were an impressionable youngster can "run or ruin your life NOW." Best to clean and clear this toxic mind virus before it damages your life permanently, causing years of distress and pain in the interim.

My personal story My own journey of healing began in my 30s when I discovered a book by Robin Norwood called "Women who Love Too Much". I was shocked to realize I was a typical "Adult Child of an Alcoholic" with symptoms including over-controlling, simmering anger, emotional neediness and a desire to mask my pain with addictions like over-eating and over-spending.

Isolating and approval-seeking are two symptoms of "Adult Children" which I had. The term "Adult Child" also is refers to a child from a dysfunctional or abusive family, like we might call Jackson's.

Jackson's Genius This is not to deny Jackson's innate creative genius which in his 20s and 30s dazzled the world and earned him fame and fortune. But something inside him seemed to unravel from the time the press began referring to him as "Wacko Jacko".

As the years went on, his family and closest friends like Liz Taylor, Elton John and Uri Geller are reported to have encouraged him to go into rehab. But all failed to rescue him from his "addiction" to anti-depressant drugs and painkillers.

Then there was the ongoing plastic surgery which came close to self-mutilation and to me reflected his deep self-rejection, despite all the accolades of his career.

By the end you could say his painfully thin body also demonstrated symptoms of anorexia - an eating disorder associated with self-loathing.

Being beaten as a child Michael Jackson's father Joe admitted to the BBC in 2003 that he whipped his son as a child. And I recently watched a documentary on Jackson from 2003 where he himself admitted details of the kind of straps his father would use to beat him and his siblings during rehearsals if they put a foot wrong. Imagine the fear and torment this caused in them.

When you review Michael Jackson's life you may notice that his early adult years were enchanted with brilliant success, creativity and humanitarianism - he gave millions to "heal the world and make it a better place for you and me and the whole human race."

Curiouser and curiouser - But from his 30s onwards, Michael Jackson portrayed bizarre eccentricities including forays into plastic surgery to change his appearance which some call "self-mutilation", referring to his destructive nose jobs as making him a "nasal cripple."

Peter Pan - You could say building his Neverland ranch with its zoo and theme park for kids was Michael Jackson's attempt to re-discover and recover his "lost childhood" like Peter Pan. The dark shadow side of this was the "evil" of child molestation which tainted him forever, despite his acquittal. You could say it was downhill  from the time of his court appearances until his death in June 2009. By the end he was addicted to pain-killers, thin as a rake and plagued with legal and financial troubles.

Could Michael Jackson's demons have been saved and healed?

Yes, I believe so, with the right guidance and therapeutic approach. But of course, first prerequisite would have been willingness by him.

Emotional-energy tools like EFT tapping and many others I use in my work, give the damaged self a chance to heal at source. I recommend you start before your symptoms become chronic - the body gives early warning signs which we can heed or ignore at our peril.

The sobering lesson for you, especially if you grew up in dysfunctional or abusive home - is to heal yourself and your childhood - before you attempt to "heal the world." 

There is a saying in the self-help movement: "Everyone is guilty - but no one is to blame."  This means our parents were passing onto us the lessons they grew up with - often toxic and damaging. We have a choice - dig deep and heal the damage in ways I describe in my book "You Can Break-Free Fast."  Or stay "victims" and risk progressive self-destruction and wasting of our "golden years" like Michael Jackson.

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