Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Michael Jackson's Thriller Autograph

Michael Jackson

The market for Michael Jackson autographs has skyrocketed since his early demise. For many fans of the king of pop, acquiring an autograph of Michael Jackson is a way of remembering and making tribute to one of the greatest entertainers of our time. Something as personal as an autograph is a fabulous memento that Jackson fans appreciate. A signature of Jackson is as close to their idol as a fan can possibly be; a true thrill.

As Jackson memorabilia has skyrocketed in value, so have his autographs. Autographs on photos that sold for $50 to $150 before his death now fetch five to twenty times that much. Autographs on documents such as contracts and checks, are now commanding premium prices.

Similarly, as the market for Jackson's autograph has escalated, so has the number of fraudulent items that claim to bear his authentic signature. Since he had business managers pay most of his expenses, authentic checks signed by Jackson are rare, especially checks written for the decade prior to his death.

Checks purportedly written by Jackson occasionally surface on Internet auction sites. It is important to recognize some of the features that indicate a fraudulent Michael Jackson check. Some of the clear signs that indicate a fraudulent check include: a counter check without identifying information, a check that has not been deposited by the bank for signature verification, and handwriting that is suspect.

Michael Jackson reached the top of the music world and became known across the world as the modern king of pop. His memorabilia has become as thrilling as his music. For many fans, signatures of Michael Jackson are a treasured memento of this American music icon.

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