Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Memorabilia Of Michael Jackson #1 1958-1978

Michael Jackson


August 29

Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana



The Jackson 5's first single "I Want You Back" was released by the Motown Record and sold 2 million copies within six weeks.

December 4

The Jackson 5 appeared in the United States trump card TV host Ed Sullivan 's programme.

December 18

The first album, "Diana Ross Presents the Jackson 5" was released and finally appeared on the 5th.


January 31

In the four The Jackson 5's singles which boarded the singles chart , "I Want You Back" was the first hit the top.

April 25

"ABC" boarded first, and sold 2 million in three weeks.

May 8

The Jackson 5's second album, "ABC" was released.

May 19

The Jackson 5's first concert was held in Los Angeles Plaza. The audience was 18,000, a total income of $100,000.

June 27

"The Love You Save" boarded the top.

September 15

The Jackson 5's " 'Third Album" was released.

October 9

The Jackson 5 began their first national tour.

October 17

"I'll Be There" boarded first, and the Jackson 5 became the groups whose had the first four consecutive albums boarded the top.


April 18

The Jackson 5 appear in the Diana Ross's first personal special program.


The Jackson 5 began their second tour. "the Commodores" made an opening performances for The Jackson 5

September 7

The Jackson 5's " Goin' Back to Indiana " was released.

September 11

The Jackson 5 's cartoon series broadcast on ABC television.

September 19

"Goin 'Back To Indiana" broadcast, which was the first TV series of them broadcast on ABC.

October 7

Michael Jackson's first personal single "Got To Be There" was released. At that time,he and the Jackson 5 had eighth scored the first 40 list, including the four consecutive singles champion.


January 18

The Jackson 5 attended the first annual Martin Luther King memorial concert in Atlanta.

January 24

Michael Jackson's first solo album "Got To Be There" was released.

August 4

Michael Jackson's album "Ben" was released.

August 5

The single"Ben" boarded the top,and it became Michael's first individual champion single .


In the first European tour, the Jackson 5 were invited to perform for the Queen.


April 13

Michael Jackson's album "Music & Me" was released.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Money Lessons From Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

Following the sudden passing of pop superstar Michael Jackson, many people around the world are reminiscing about his music and mystique. However, as a financial advisor, I can't help but focus my attention on Michael Jackson's finances.

As the stories about his financial situation come to light, it appears that Jackson had serious money problems. Despite a lifetime of achievement, Jackson's final curtain call revealed foreclosures, failed ventures and financial chaos. At the end of the day, the 'king of pop' was just another person who suffered the consequences of ignoring the principles of money success.

After coaching hundreds of clients, I have discovered that whether you earn millions of dollars or minimum wages, once you break the rules that govern money, you're going to pay a heavy price. Here are some of the lessons that have been highlighted in the Michael Jackson saga:

No Matter How Much You Make, You Can't Spend More Than You Earn

If I earned a hundred dollars every time I heard someone sincerely say, "If I got a million dollars today, I'd never be broke again," I would be well on the way to creating a similar fortune for myself. The reality is that many people show an amazing propensity to increase their spending in excess of their income.

Unfortunately, Jackson was no different. Although his musical genius made him millions - his 1982 hit album Thriller is still the world's best-selling album of all time - Jackson lived an excessive lifestyle that usurped his earning power. In a 2003 court case, it was revealed that Jackson was spending US$20 million to US$30 million more each year than he earned. (Take comfort if you're only $10,000 over budget every month!)

Living within your means is a simple principle that is perfectly expressed by this ditty, "If your outgo is greater than your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall."

You Can't Borrow Your Way Out Of Financial Difficulties

Financing a budget shortfall by borrowing is a perfect blueprint for financial disaster. The only way to cure this common consumption problem is to trim unnecessary spending and/or earn more to pay your bills. Borrowing to make ends meet will only increase your monthly obligations and your money distress.

Lavish lifestyles, pricey properties and costly court cases all reportedly contributed to Jackson's money problems. In an attempt to rebalance his financial position, Jackson used his assets to secure loans totalling US$200 million from the Bank of America.

Repaying this loan probably created more cash flow problems, as Jackson also had to turn to wealthy friends to bail him out.

Two money principles that can help you to manage debt are: never borrow to finance your lifestyle, and if you're in debt, you can't borrow your way out of it.

Don't Leave Your Family In Confusion When You Die

As reports continue to roll in about the circumstances surrounding Jackson's death, it appears that there is uncertainty about his final wishes. The Jackson family lawyer has commented that there were stories about the existence of a will, "but none has been presented to the family at this time".

Amid speculations that it could be a lengthy and complex process to settle Jackson's estate, there is hope that he had the foresight to set up a trust that would help to cushion his beneficiaries from having to pay out millions in probate fees.

It's never too early for you to institute this important financial rule: make proper provisions while you are alive to take care of your family and assets when you die.

Passive Income Keeps Paying Even When You Stop Working

The Jackson drama isn't all bad news. Thanks to his incredible talent and prolific production of great music, Jackson's income will only increase after his death. Already, the entertainer's untimely demise has led to record-breaking sales of his albums and music videos. Jackson "may be worth more dead than alive," opined Jerry Reisman, general counsel for the recording studio in which Thriller was produced.

Although most of us will never attain Jackson's earning ability, this scenario is a perfect example of the power of passive income. If you really want to be wealthy, you have to create opportunities to earn money even when you are not physically working. Some options include: royalties from music or book sales, Internet sales, network marketing, and franchising a business idea.

You Really Can't Have It All

Although he had fortune and fame at his fingertips, Jackson was reportedly a lonely, isolated man. Some people believe that getting more money will solve all their problems; we can see that didn't work for Jackson. Despite all his wealth, he never seemed to achieve true happiness.

Remember these principles: there is more to financial success than just the accumulation of wealth; your money should help to enrich your life and that of others; and when your time on earth comes to an end, you can't carry it with you.

Copyright © 2009 Cherryl Hanson Simpson.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Michael Jackson - Money, Myth and the Mainstream Media

Michael Jackson

News media accounts that Michael Jackson was "debt-ridden", without providing further explanation, gave the impression that the king of pop's financial situation was something the general public could identify with or readily understand.
But far from it. Jackson's so-called "massive debt" was something that hardly any of us will ever be fortunate enough to experience. I dare say most in the general public have never heard of Jackson's category of indebtedness, better known by some as "acquisition debt".
Acquisition debt involves multi-million dollar purchases of ventures where a significant percentage of the purchase price is financed through "leverage" borrowing. The assets of the acquired company are used as collateral for the borrowed capital.
When Northern Songs - a music catalog holding thousand of songs, including the Beatles' back catalog - was put up for sale, Jackson took immediate interest in the catalog. He was warned that he would face strong competition. "I don't care. I want those songs," Jackson said to his entertainment attorney John G Branca. "Get me those songs, Branca."
Jackson eventually beat the rest of the competition, including Paul McCartney, in negotiations for the Northern Songs catalog, which lasted 10 months. He evenually purchased the catalog for $47.5 million.
Jackson used equity in his own catalog, MIJAC, along with the acquired assets from Northern Songs for loan qualification, with the newly acquired assets structured for equity to flow towards servicing the debt.
In 1995, Jackson merged his Northern Songs catalog with Sony's publishing division creating Sony/ATV Music Publishing. This deal gave Jackson half ownership in Northern Songs as well as half ownership in Sony/ATV.  It also included distribution rights to thousands of more songs. With the merger, Sony/ATV became the third largest music publishing venture in the world. Both Jackson and the Sony people were equal partners and vowed to become the world's largest catalog.
Late in 2001, Jackson and Sony acquired Tony Martin's Baby Mae Music catalog of 600 songs.
In July 2002, they bought country music publisher Acuff-Rose for $157 million. The venture included publishing rights to 55,000 songs.
And in November 2007, Jackson and Sony bought Famous Music LLC from Viacom. This deal gave the king of pop rights to songs by Eminem (a C-rated entertainer who once made light of him), Shakira and Beck, among others. The venture included the assumption of a $30 million debt. They purchased the business for $370 million.
Bottom line. If Jackson was debt ridden, it makes more sense to believe his indebtedness of "$500,000,000" resulted from acquiring multi-million dollar ventures, and not, as media myth makers would have it, "lavish spending."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is Michael Jackson's Death A Hoax?

Michael Jackson

The influence of P.T. Barnum.

In the 1980s, Michael Jackson lays hands on a biography that will forever change his life: that of Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891).

Barnum, a genius promoter and circus owner, is said to have been the first show-business millionaire, and a master hoaxer. For example, he promoted Joice Heth, a wrinkled woman said to be 161 years old. Michael devours this biography, and distributes copies among his inner circle, declaring, "I want my career to be the greatest show on earth." ("Greatest show on earth," is a gimmick that was used to promote the Barnum and Bailey circus.)

One hundred years after Barnum's death, his face is featured on the Dangerous (1991) album cover, (Barnum is the man in black).

Launching rumors, using the media as a megaphone, increasing pressure, issuing denials... Michael Jackson, thrilled by this role of great hoaxer, appropriates these techniques, for example with the oxygen chamber hoax. But what could be the ultimate hoax? What about...coming back from the grave? Somebody did that before.

Monsieur Mangin, The French Humbug

Around 1850, Monsieur Mangin was a French maker of blacklead pencils. He lived in poverty above his small shop in the rue de Rivoli.

Then one day he had an idea. He would drive for a while around central Paris in an ornate carriage. He would stop in a crowded street, dressed in unusal royal garb, and a servant would hand him four portraits of himself which he hung on the side of the coach. He would also deliver a flamboyant speech, where he would introduce himself as "The great charlatan of France".

This was only a start...

P.T. Barnum met Mangin in Paris and was delighted by his methods. At the end of their meeting, Mangin told Barnum that he was planning "a grand humbug", which shall double the sale of his pencils.
A few weeks afterwards, Barnum read in the Paris newspapers that Mangin had died, and assumed that the secret plan had died with him.

Six month later, Mangin surfaced in Paris, performing exactly the same ritual drive. His « death » had quadrupled the sale of his pencil. Mangin had spent six months in the country.

So, is Michael Jackson's death a hoax?

There is a huge difference between Paris in the 1850's and Los Angeles in the present days. How could a larger than life figure like Michael Jackson just vanish? A body was autopsied. Police officials were there. Let's face it, the king of pop is dead.

As an artist, Michael Jackson had nothing more to prove, but he wanted to give more. His sudden death is like a broken promise, like Elvis Presley's death was.

And Elvis too, is said to be alive...

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Living Success of a Legend - Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

Just some minutes ago, Yahoo news said that Jackson Michael is dead and l was really surprised. Everybody will agree with me that, he was the most popular singer in the world as far as Hip-Pop is concerned. Even, he was often called the "king of pop". Many people will be shocked about his death and more will get sick, because of his death. Now, the question is "Is Michael Jackson a living success?

To answer this sensitive question, one needs to consider many factors such as, skills, popularity, social and family backgrounds and his art works.

He was acclaimed the most talented singer of this generation before he died. The mere selling one of his albums, Thriller, over 50 million copies were sold and a total of 750 million copies of his albums in his lifetime. This best-selling album further confirms his most popularity around the world. On his social background, he was described as the most social person around the world right from his childhood. The super stardom he possessed always separated him from others. Similarly, his family background is something that is good to be emulated. He came out from a singing family and as a result of that, his mastering of musical skills increased over the years. Finally, his song always speak out in-behalf of him.

From the above, we can learn a lot of things about a living success and they are as follows:

Talent: Talent / skill is inseparable with success. The more one works on his gift/talent/skill/potential the more greater his success will become over a period of time.

Consistency: This is one of the great attributes of success. To be consistent over a period of time shows that one can really scale-through any situations as far as success is concerned.

Background: This very important trait of a particular person entails his characters,relationships with family and friendships. It is on the basis of characters that success is founded.

Michael Jackson is a living success of all times.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Michael Jackson Comeback

Michael Jackson

Rumors of tours, new CDs, and reality shows --- all involving Michael Jackson - abound. What is the truth?

It's a good bet that no one except Jackson himself knows the specifics of what projects he fancies, what timetables he will set for upcoming musical or theatrical releases. Jackson insiders said that floating "trial balloons" about various projects is a method Jackson often employs to test the waters of public acceptance. Could be.

All that is known right now is that a host of musicians - from will I am of the Black Eyed Peas to pianist extraordinaire John Legend -- have stated they have worked with Jackson on music they expect him to soon release. But do these statements hold any clues to what is to come? Probably not -- A host of artists also reported various experiences working with Jackson on a single to benefit Katrina survivors - and that has yet to materialize.

It's also known that Jackson family members have seemingly gone out of their way in the past few months - almost since Jackson emerged from his self-imposed exile in Bahrain - to claim knowledge of his musical plans and his consideration of a Jackson family reunion show. Are clues contained within those statements? Again, probably not. Almost as soon as many of those statements are made, Jackson's publicist denies them. Other statements hang in the air, their own trial balloons.

What is clear is that Jackson's fan base seems stronger than ever. Consider the turn out of fans in Japan - many from the western world - who paid 1721 GBP ($3400 US) to spend 30 seconds with him. Turn your attention to the dozens of Jackson fan boards that set off a hurricane of postings whenever a new rumor circulates. Read the accounts by musical heavyweights who aren't Jackson collaborators - Chuck D. of Public Enemy, Amerie - who speak reverently of the king of pop and excitedly about his next musical project.

Jackson is Rocky up against a formidable component, the Little Drummer Boy who's lost his way, the shamed Prince who holds his head high despite public humiliation. In a way, the expectations for Jackson's success have never been higher. Little wonder Jackson is seemingly taking his time releasing his new music.

Volumes have been written about Jackson's musical accomplishments, which most note are second to none or at least very few. Just as the magicians whom he so admires, Jackson has musically pulled off a host of musical and cinematic magic tricks to the surprise and delight of his audiences.

But like most magicians, Jackson had assistance. His most-heralded past musical accomplishments also involved a host of heavy-weight collaborators - Quincy Jones and Lionel Richie spring immediately to mind.

Many are concerned that this time out, Jackson seems to be alone. Yes, there are others on the metaphorical stage, but they are magicians in their own rights, with their own unique acts. Some fear that the result will be a mishmash of sounds - devoid of Jackson's unique signature. That would be a shame. If there's one thing that Jackson delivered - time and time again - is his own clear musical sound.

But while rumors abound, it's important to remember that Jackson has faced such challenges before. Harkening back to his childhood, Jackson took stands against his own father and brothers who tried to impose certain styles upon him. His opinion prevailed and their success soared.

The bottom line is that the truth is likely not the rumors and trial balloons that float about. The truth is that Jackson has had a remarkable 40-plus year career with nary a musical misstep, because he runs his own show. Fans may best be advised to hold onto their patience a bit longer, and see what the magician pulls out of his creative hat. My guess--it'll be his most amazing feat ever.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Micheal Jackson Halloween Costume

Michael Jackson

Halloween is a great festive time of the year. It is a time for Friends and family to get together and go trick or treating. As a child, trick or treating is very fun to do. You have a great time going to people's houses and getting candy from them. We all remember the time when we used to get in trouble from our parents for eating too much candy. We all remember the fun sensation in decorating our houses and carving the pumpkins.

Dressing up on Halloween is as important as eating candy or decorating your house. It is the only time of the year that we dress up so scary. Everyone looks forward to it. We always want to wear the best costumes and make them are scary as possible. With Halloween Coming up, Michael Jackson costumes are great to impress your friends with your new moonwalk. There are many creative and unique costumes, but the best one this year is the Michael Jackson Thriller Costume.

After the tragical death of the legendary moonwalker and break dancer everyone should pay tribute to Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson Costumes will be the bomb this year, Get yours now! The king of pop costume includes a ruby red jacket, and matching pants.

Get the sequined glove and you can be the king of pop himself!!

Michael Jackson Halloween Costumes are selling out quickly all over the internet, so don't be late and order yours now!

This year have the best costume on the block and make your neighbors envy you! This year become a creature tonight in this thrilling costume.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Michael Jackson Article Ideas

Michael Jackson

As many of you, I was shocked and saddened when I heard the news that Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest . While I was watching the massive news coverage of Jackson's, his career, and his death on CNN and several other news outlets, I realized that this is a great opportunity for those of you who write on pop culture, society, news, or celebrity articles to get a surge of traffic while paying tribute to a legendary music icon.

I did some quick research and the month prior to his death,  24,900,000 people searched globally on Google for "Michael Jackson". That's just one month, and of course that was a month before his death. So just imagine what's going on now - this month the numbers will probably triple.

Now while you may not be able to rank in the search engines for Jackson's name, there are literally dozens if not hundreds of long-tail MJ keyword phrases that you could absolutely rank for if you get writing like yesterday!

Need a few ideas?

Here's a few writing prompts...

The first time I heard a Michael Jackson record I was...
I bought my first (Jackson's name) album...
(Jackson's name) was an inspiration to my  life because...
(Jackson's name) was a great example of...
What we can learn from (Jackson's name) life is...
What we should remember about (Jackson's name) is...

I call this type of article marketing writing "magic-bullet articles". While you couldn't nor shouldn't write magic-bullet articles everyday, they are perfect for driving a huge surge of traffic to your site as long as the topic makes sense for your market.

Magic bullet articles are ones written with some sort of current event or celebrity tie-in. When done properly, these types of keyword rich articles will bring you massive amounts of traffic in a short-period of time. And while they are not necessarily "evergreen" traffic sources, it is great to have an arsenal of these types of articles in your article marketing campaign.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Michael Jackson Dies June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson

The news of Michael Jackson dying on June 25, 2009 has stunned the nation. The calls, text messages, emails, tweets and conversations began to spread across the world as the shocking news was relayed of Michael's untimely death. Michael Jackson born August 29, 1958 was in his Los Angeles home at the time when the paramedics were called. Michael was not feeling well the day before and his doctor had even been out to check on him. The next day Michael was found not breathing and paramedics unfortunately could not revive him. It is believed he has died of cardiac arrest. Michael was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm. He leaves behind his daughter Paris and son Prince, parents Katherine and Joe, and siblings Marlon, Jermaine, Jackie, Tito, Randy, Janet, Latoya and Rebbie.

Michael was preparing to do 50 shows at a London arena slated to begin July 13th.

His music career began to flourish in 1972 when he took center stage amongst his brothers who formed the group The Jackson 5. At his young age he was recognized for his natural ability to sing and dance .

Michael had an acting roll as a Scarecrow in the 1978 R&B musical "The Wiz", which was an African American version of "The Wizard of Oz" which also featured stars like Diana Ross, Lena Horne, Nipsy Russell, and Richard Pryor .

Over the decades Michael has touched the hearts of many fans with his multitude of hits.

"Thriller" his album of 1982 blew the charts out of the water with an impressive 37 weeks at No. 1, selling over a million copies a week. Worldwide the album has sold over 50 million copies.

Michael was known for his rather fascinating and strange lifestyle at his Neverland ranch and his style of a one-handed shiny glove and zippered leather or glittery jackets . People have questioned his numerous plastic surgeries, drastic change in skin color, and the accusations of child molestation.

Michael's upbringing was not one of a happy childhood. Michael openly expressed on Oprah, the physical and mental abuse he suffered from his father. The very presence of his father made Michael ill and has caused him a lifetime of emotional trauma. He tried to re-live his youth through his Neverland ranch, and by being in the presence of children and animals, for acceptance and comfort.

Fans across the world idolize Michael Jackson, often imitating his style and moves (the famous backward gliding moonwalk) . His songs, "Thriller", "Bad", "Beat It" and so many more are still hot sellers nationwide. His unique style and artistic talent can never be duplicated.

The king of pop will be truly missed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Michael Jackson's Legacy?

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's death on June 25, 2009 was a huge shock to his fans, but also to his detractors. The world was reacquainted with the Michael Jackson of old and we were reminded of his talent, his music and the millions of fans around the world.

But even though his death resulted in accolades and waves of shock internationally, there were some that refused to sympathize with a man whom they say had questionable record with young children and displayed bizarre behavior towards the end of his life.

So what was Michael Jackson's legacy when he died? Was it the impenetrable footprint that he left on the music world? Or was it the images of him dangling his children off a balcony and the unresolved conduct with young kids?

Many would argue that it is his music that people will remember for years to come. Not his bizarre behavior in the latter stages of his life. He will be remembered as the king of pop and not "Wacko Jacko". And the millions of people that mourned his death, the thousands of tributes and the record breaking sales of the much anticipated movie "This Is It" seem to support this.

When the news of his death was reported, it caused websites to crash from user overload. Popular sites like Twitter, AOL and Wikipedia reported such huge surges of traffic that their websites crashed. AOL said it was a "seminal moment in Internet history" and that "We've never seen anything like it in terms or scope or depth".

The sales of Michael Jackson's records increased eighty-fold after his death. Amazon sold out of all of Michael Jackson's CDs and the Jackson 5's CDs within minutes of the news of his death breaking. This demand surpassed the demand when Elvis Presley and John Lennon died.

Thriller climbed to the number one spot on the American iTunes chart while another 19 albums reentered the Top 40. Michael Jackson had 34 singles in the top 100 singles chart, 4 of them in the top 10.

By August 3 2009, he had sold 2 million records and spent six consecutive weeks atop the album chart. His solo albums sold 800,000 copies in the first full week after his death, and 1.1 million copies in the following week of his memorial service. His memorial service held in the Staples Centre was shown around the world and was said to have been watched by over 1 billion people.

So even though people may argue over whether Michael Jackson should be honored and remembered as the king of pop in his death, the millions of fans and records sold cannot be disputed. Though he may have left a questionable legacy from a personal and a financial viewpoint, his musical talents and marketing genius is undisputed.

Perhaps the greatest tribute that he had ever had was from Michael Jackson's 11 year old daughter Paris who broke down as she told the crowd at his memorial: "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine ..." Fittingly, Marlon Jackson said at the memorial, "Maybe now, Michael, they will leave you alone."

Michael Jackson, rightfully the King of Pop, may you rest in peace.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Michael Jackson's Last Words

Michael Jackson

In what many are calling a modern-day miracle, websites devoted to Michael-mania are reporting that a large number of his avid fans received a text message from the Gloved One at the instant that his soul departed this mortal realm.

The message consisted of a single word: "Love."

While skeptics were quick to cry "Hoax," true believers beg to differ. All of the posts occurred at exactly the same time, not over an extended period, as is usually the case in typical viral spam attacks. Furthermore, according to authorities, they originated from an I.P. address that does not even exist.

What cannot be denied is that M.J.'s death has had a profound effect on the world, as different races, different colors, different creeds all marched arm-in-arm, marking the passing of the legendary icon. Church attendance over the weekend was up dramatically, with many services filled to capacity for the first time in recent memory.

Also, police departments reported a sharp drop in 911 calls, as incidents of violence, homicide, and domestic abuse experienced a significant reduction while the world's attention was focused like a laser beam on the greatest entertainer to ever grace the planet.

Michael Jackson, the author of "We Are The World," the musical genius who wanted nothing more than for everyone to live in harmony, has finally attained the peace he was never able to find in life.

The undisputed king of pop, who brought so much pleasure to countless billions, has now joined the Heavenly choir. He was last seen moon-walking through the Pearly Gates, on his way to his eternal reward.

Rest In Peace, Michael. You will be sadly missed.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Did Our Society Kill Michael Jackson; Yes, Shame on Us All!

Michael Jackson

One of the greatest performers and recording artists of our time has died, Michael Jackson. He sold more records and made more friends in more countries than anyone else in the world. It is wonderful to know that he came from the United States and he was able to do all this. Michael Jackson was great at what he did and he was different, but because he was a different our society attacked him.

It's interesting that we attacked Michael Jackson's character in the way we did. You see, he and his music stood for everything that is great about America and he brought so much to so many people. Did our Society kill Michael Jackson? I believe we did; "Shame on us all!" I hope we are all proud of ourselves. This artist was going on a 50 country tour, and was only 50 years old. We all treated him so badly, in such a pathetic display.

We destroyed his will to live, but why; because he was different? One thing that many people don't understand, but perhaps now is a good time to discuss it; is that socialism destroys the individual, for it is the mass mob that rules. Why do we destroy these great people that we produce in our nation? If you think about it and this is a good time to reflect; it is rather disparaging, disgusting and despicable how we treat people.

Our media loves to build people up and then burn them down. We seem to love to call people's moral character into question through personal attacks and our media finds joy in dishing out dirty laundry and showering us with innuendos as if there's no victim. I am quite upset at society for killing Michael Jackson. Although I was not one of the people making fun of tearing down this great artist, I am a member of the society, so therefore I suppose it is my fault to for not trying to stop all of you.

Michael I'm sorry, thank you for all you have given the world, I won't forget you.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Michael Jackson Thriller Costume

Michael Jackson

When we're talking about Michael Jackson, the famous king of pop (may he rest in peace), there are many things that are undeniable about his career. His amazing talent spanned across many areas of performance, but most notably were his contributions to musical technique, dance, and style. Each one of these could have novels written about them, so for this article, we're going to focus in our magnifying glass on the king of pop's style, and even more narrowly, the Michael Jackson Thriller Costume.

What we have to remember is that everything about the music video for Thriller was entirely thought out. MJ wore two different costumes, one of which was done up in a couple of different ways. All of the costumes shared a similar color palette -- which is to say, that whatever one we're looking at, the Michael Jackson thriller costume was primarily red.

Why was this? Well, in addition to the fact that Michael looks pretty snazzy in red, there are a couple other major things. First of all, the color red is classic to the horror genre. Since Thriller was a mock recreation of the entire horror genre, this is one of the more major reasons. In addition, though, the Michael Jackson thriller costume being red served the purpose to distinguishing MJ from the rest of the zombies in the music video. With the low lighting, minor fog effects, and the amount of make-up that they put on him, the red costume allowed him to be seen throughout the video.

Another significant thing about the costume is the exact way it's styled. Some may think that these things are just for style, and were choices from a completely fashion point of view. Though this had a major contributing factor, it's not the only thing. You'll notice in the video that for the Michael Jackson thriller costume that's used to dance in, Michael's pants are tight yet flexible, and his jacket is a relaxed fit. This music video had some of the most advanced and revolutionary dance techniques ever to be used, and he needed clothing that allowed him to complete these difficult moves without any interference.

With how many difficult and fast steps there are, having loose pants would have been an interference. Similarly, the loose jacket of his costume allowed for the full range of motions needed for moves that fully involved the arms. These dance moves, even more than the makeup, gave the sensation that Michael Jackson was "undead." The jerky movements, only magnified by the sunken face and bulging eyes, create a very real "thriller" sensation.

Now, with Halloween approaching, a lot of people are wanting to pay homage to the King of Pop. With it being Halloween, the Thriller costume seems to the most appropriate to many. A few words to advice to all the Thriller hopefuls out there, though! First, if you're going to get the outfit and you're not as fit as Michael was, then don't wear the tight pants! (We don't want to see that, trust me.) Second, if you're going to do it, you've got to learn the dance as a tribute.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In Memory of Michael Jackson : the King of Pop

Michael Jackson

Michael Joseph Jackson (born 29th August 1958) was a gifted child, a born entertainer. He started his career with his elder brothers and was managed by his father, They were known as The Jackson 5. Even though this group was doing well, All eyes were on the little child in the front.

He started his solo career and started his journey to Success, he was the first African-American to have such a great fan following and in his late teens he was known and loved all over the world by millions.

Off the wall, Bad and Thriller are some of his record breaking albums that sold millions around the world and making him appear in the Guinness World Records as "The Most Successful Entertainer of All Time"!! His achievements include 13 Grammy's, 13 singles that have been on the charts for years.

Michael Jackson was in the eyes of billions having a great deal of fortune and fame, eventually he had to pay a price by being exploited by the Media. Michael as a young teen was teased about his the size of his nose which caused him to go under knife the 1st time, over the years he went through many surgery's.

Starting from a cute Black American who won the hearts of billions around the world had transformed himself into a white man. No one knows why he went through this, what made him do it to himself, People still say if kept his natural looks he would be the Greatest Entertainer of all time. Fact remains besides this conversion he still remains one of the Greatest.

Michael Jackson's down fall came when he was charged of Molesting young children, the Media made his Life a living Hell even though was proved innocent the media had destroyed his Image, in front of the Public. Even though Michael Jackson was still loved by billions he could not recover from the damage the Media had done.

His dancing and singing skills have been unique and has inspired many of today's entertainers. Over the years Michael Jackson had been involved in many charities and helped millions. Sadly he is no longer with us (a huge loss for the Entertainment Industry) One thing is for sure he will not be forgotten and will live in our hearts forever!

"Heal The World

Make It A Better Place

For You And For Me

And The Entire Human Race

There Are People Dying

If You Care Enough

For The Living

Make A Better Place

For You And For Me"
- Michael Jackson " THE king of pop"

He will live in our hearts forever. May his Soul rest in peace

Till next time

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Memorabilia Of Michael Jackson #2 1979-1984

Michael Jackson


January 22

The Jacksons began another world tour to promote their "Destiny" album. The world tour was from Bremen, then France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Kenya, the United Kingdom and the United States.


Mayor Tom Bradley announced that to celebrate "Jackson Day" ,for their golden and platinum album sales of the album's success.

July 28

The first single "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" of "Off The Wall" was released


Album "Off The Wall" was released, which produced four Top 10 hits


The Jacksons began a new world tour for the title "Destiny". First stop was New Orleans. In that two years, they could be found in the 80 cities.


"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" boarded the U.S. singles chart champion.

November 29

"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" was certified as the golden album.

December 10

"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"was certified as the golden and platinum album.


February 27

Michael Jackson received his first Grammy Award----- best male R & B singer award ----Because of "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough".

September 3

Hollywood Chamber of Commerce gave the Jacksons a place on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in recognition of their contribution to music.

October 18

The Jacksons album "Triumph" was released

December 10

" Triumph"was certified as the golden and platinum album.


July 9

The Jacksons began their "Triumph" world tour



Diana Ross's song "Muscles" hit the top 40, which was written and produced by Michael Jackson. This song was inspired from Michael Jackson's python -"Muscles", and this song boarded the tenth.

November 9

The music story album "ET alien" was released. Michael Jackson recited the story and performed a new song. With this song he received the Grammy best children's recording award.

December 1

Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was released.

December 25

"Thriller" boarded the top and stayed for 37 weeks!


January 22

"Billie Jean" was released.

January 31

"Thriller" was certificated as the golden and platinum album.

February 26

The single "Beat It" (Guitar Solo by Eddie Van Halen)was released.


The "Billie Jean" music video which cost $250,000 broadcast on the MTV channel.

March 5

The song "Billie Jean" in "Thriller" became the champion,and stayed on the top for 7 weeks.

March 7

Michael Jackson became the first one,who was on the top of the "Billboard" rock album list , singles chart and R & B album chart ranking list at the same time.

March 9

Michael started shooting "Beat It" music video,which was directed by Bob Giraldi, and the dance movements were designed by Michael Peters. In the music video,there were 50 real gang members in Los Angeles.

March 31

The "Beat It" (Guitar Solo by Eddie Van Halen)was first broadcast on the MTV channel. The combining of rock and spiritual songs charm maked it to the top spot around quickly.

April 30

"Beat It" boarded the top.

May 9

"Beat It" was certified as the golden album.

May 16

"Motown 25 anniversary: Yesterday, Today, The Future" broadcast. The Jackson 5 performed their best-selling songs of the past,and then Michael sang the song "Billie Jean", and the first time showed the world the famous "Moon-Walk"

May 28

The Single "Wanna Be Startin 'Somethin" was released.

July 23

The Single " Human Nature " was released.

October 8

The Single " P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) " was released.

November 11

The Jacksons and Michael signed a $5000000 advertising contracts with Pepsi.

December 10

The song "Say, Say, Say" boarded the top. It became the seventh song that came into the top 10 in that year.

December 14

The video "The Making of Michael Jackson's Thriller" was released. There were 500,000 copies sold just in the first month.


January 16

Michael won eight awards in the American Music Awards.

January 27

Michael was head of burn in the course of shooting the second-Pepsi ads, the burn degree was 2-3.

February 11

Single "Thriller" was released and Michael became the first one who had seven Top 10 singles in one album.

February 27

Jackson's Pepsi ads premiered on the MTV channel and broadcast the director Bob Giraldi's interview segments.

February 28

Michael won eight Grammy Awards.

April 17

Michael accepted the restructuring of the scalp surgery.


The single "Farewell My Summer Love" was released.


The single " State Of Shock " was released.


The album "Victory" was released and billowed into the double-platinum sales.

July 5

Michael announced that the money "Victory" tour earned would be donated to three charitable organisations: United Negro College Fund, Good Time Summer and TJ Martell Foundation for leukemia and cancer research.


"Victory" tour began in Kansas City, Missouri.The tickets all sold out and it attracted a total of 13.5 million people.


At the Concert in Dallas, Eddie Van Halen performed the solo of "Beat It"

November 20

Michael got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.He was the first one who got 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

December 13

To help the injured children,Michael donated $1500000 dollars to Buluosiman Memorial Hospital to establish "Michael Jackson Burn Foundation"

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Buying a Michael Jackson Thriller Halloween Costume

Michael Jackson

"It's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking in the dark..."

This line is now famous for opening Michael Jackson's Thriller video - an epic 14-minute long piece that would go on to be named the Guinness Book of World Record's "Most Successful Music Video" ever. Whether you were born before or after the video's 1983 release date, you're probably still familiar with the classic "zombie" dance moves that made this music video so popular.

The video's creepy setting and lyrics make it the perfect inspiration for a Michael Jackson Halloween costume this year. Recreate Michael's look for yourself or disguise yourself as one of the video's zombie and werewolf dancers - just remember to learn the dance moves for yourself so that you can perform throughout the night!

The look itself isn't that difficult to recreate. For the majority of the video, Michael wears a red vinyl jacket and pants set, highlighted with black trim in a "V" pattern across his chest and back. The easiest way to put together a Michael Jackson Thriller Halloween costume this year is to simply buy a ready-made replica, since you won't have to worry about tracking down different pieces on your own.

However, if you're on a budget, don't worry - you can still put together this iconic look. First, check your local thrift stores for red leather jackets and pants. You can always add the black stripes with electrical tape or fabric paint on your own. If you can't find the correct style in leather, you can always look for red pieces made out of denim, cotton or knit fabrics that might work as well.

Friday, November 5, 2010

On What Was Known As Michael Jackson Fashion

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was a pop icon. He reached the zenith of pop culture wearing one glove on his hand and without him noticing, he was able to influence an entire generation, not only in the United States, but the rest of the world as well. He gave out simple pieces like military badges and fedora imprints that, for some time, oozed more power than his music. His classic "Thriller" look-red leather, zippers a Jheri curls-transformed into a more majestic look that equaled his king of pop reputation. When President Reagan invited him to the White House in 194 to receive an award, he arrived wearing a blue sequined cropped jacked with gold sequined epaulet, his signature glove, black loafers with spats and aviator sunglasses.Classy.

Michael Jackson is not just the king of pop. He is also the King of Fashion. Once again, let's reminisce his shining appearance on and off the spotlight.

Michael Jackson was also famous for his simple white-black shirt while moonwalking, and unique designs and luxurious dresses. His turning point was the Swarovski Crystal Shirt. It combined simple designs with simple colors and it can be worn almost anywhere.

Everything about Michael's life was hinted by elements of the majestic and royal. It can be evidenced in his stage costumes, MTV dresses, mansion and cars. His Red velvet cloak Clothing and Catherine Bowman Jewelry Crowns are clear representations of his love for majesty and royalty.

Here are some of Michael's amazingly simple items but spells class when configured together: White-black Jazz costume, black crystal suit, white crystal gloves and crystal socks. It was a classic ensemble that perfectly matched each other. Michael Jackson put it on during his Bad Tour. It was the first world concert tour by Michael as a solo artist that reached countries like Japan, Australia, United States and Europe. It lasted from September 12, 1987 to January 2, 1989. By far, The "Bad" World Tour was the most profitable tour in the world.

Michael's attention for detail is outstanding. He has his own way of accessorizing from shoulder patch to belts and chest straps. Any accessories can be worn with different styles of clothing, and Michael can do one heck of a job.

In general, Michael's fashion sensibility was mainly composed of classic styles spruced up by his own personal touch like his trademark armbands and other military inspired accessories. This simply shows that there are many things that can show men's tastes and personality through their choice of clothing.

In Europe, cufflinks are the grade labels for men. They express good manners and propriety. Cufflinks are not majestic or royal accessories. As a matter of fact, they are very minute accessories. They are not flashy or blingy. They are simple jewelry for men. George Washington and Prince Charles chose cufflinks as their best accessory as they are elegant yet tough and perfect for almost any occasion.

On the other hand, Michael chose his gloved hand that touched the whole world.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Michael Jackson Costume Ideas - Many Different Michael Jackson Halloween Costumes

Michael Jackson

Don't beat it, wear it! The Michael Jackson costume has gotten even more popular since the tragic pop star's death. We all remember his classic moonwalk and trademark white glove. Do you want to be just another clown at the party this year, or do you want to be a thriller? Well, if you choose this costume, you may just be the star of the show.

Michael Jackson Costume

Since Michael Jackson was the king of pop, you should honor that and become the king of the party. For decades, people have been dressing up like M.J. and it doesn't look like that trend will stop anytime soon. The more popular his music became, the more people wanted to dress like him. It was almost unusual not to see people mimicking his style in the 80's and 90's, and this wasn't even during Halloween. Many people wore these outfits every day. Since you have your own style, just leave the Michael Jackson costume alone until October 31st.

MJ Thriller Costume

Michael Jackson had so many different looks as he progressed through the years, and this makes it even more special because you're not limited to only one costume. You have the popular Thriller costume, complete with red vinyl pants and jacket. It also includes a wig and sunglasses. The other popular style is the outfit from his video "Beat It." This costume only includes the patented zipper jacket. You will most likely have to purchase the accessories. The jacket costs anywhere between 60 and 100 dollars, so if you choose this look, the other accessories will start to add up greatly.

Michael Jackson Glove

The "Bad" video saw Michael Jackson in a black outfit. This costume comes with a black jacket and black pants with the red stripe up the side, boots and a gold belt. Of course we all know about his plastic surgery, so they even made a costume for his recent looks. This is nothing more than a simple wig, sunglasses and fake nose. His military outfit was quite popular as well, so the costume for this only includes the jacket. You will have to purchase the white glove and fedora.

So with that, you are left with a load of possibilities if you want to wear the Michael Jackson costume this year. Never before have you had so many choices in one costume. The great thing about it is that no one will have to ask who you are. Just make sure you enter the party doing the moonwalk.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Michael Jackson's Thriller Autograph

Michael Jackson

The market for Michael Jackson autographs has skyrocketed since his early demise. For many fans of the king of pop, acquiring an autograph of Michael Jackson is a way of remembering and making tribute to one of the greatest entertainers of our time. Something as personal as an autograph is a fabulous memento that Jackson fans appreciate. A signature of Jackson is as close to their idol as a fan can possibly be; a true thrill.

As Jackson memorabilia has skyrocketed in value, so have his autographs. Autographs on photos that sold for $50 to $150 before his death now fetch five to twenty times that much. Autographs on documents such as contracts and checks, are now commanding premium prices.

Similarly, as the market for Jackson's autograph has escalated, so has the number of fraudulent items that claim to bear his authentic signature. Since he had business managers pay most of his expenses, authentic checks signed by Jackson are rare, especially checks written for the decade prior to his death.

Checks purportedly written by Jackson occasionally surface on Internet auction sites. It is important to recognize some of the features that indicate a fraudulent Michael Jackson check. Some of the clear signs that indicate a fraudulent check include: a counter check without identifying information, a check that has not been deposited by the bank for signature verification, and handwriting that is suspect.

Michael Jackson reached the top of the music world and became known across the world as the modern king of pop. His memorabilia has become as thrilling as his music. For many fans, signatures of Michael Jackson are a treasured memento of this American music icon.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Michael Jackson - The Promise of Neverland

Michael Jackson

"A measure of any society is the way in which it treats its young people.... The nurturing of children - providing them with food, security, love and education - should never be viewed as an altruistic act." Pat Lancaster

He's really gone...and now all we can do is haltingly flashback to a kaleidoscope of memories. We are left with memories that bookends the innocence of "ABC" to the idealism of "We are the World" and the introspection of "Man in the Mirror". Looking back we can't help but realize that he has always been with us...and somehow we thought he always would. Losing him is like returning to our old neighborhood and finding our favorite places gone. We struggle to get our minds around this; but ultimately we recognize that this is a vacancy that can never be filled.

For many of us-loyal fans included, we could not have dreamed that there was such a deep reservoir of love for him around the world. For the past 13 years he has become perennial tabloid fodder...more superfreak then superstar. "Wacko Jacko", possible child molester, financially distressed has-been, Peter Pan, a misfit are just a few of the labels the media bestowed on him over the last 20 years. The more charitable observers thought of him as a lost tormented soul at best, who desperately needed therapeutic intervention.

Bubbles the chimp, self-mutilation, Neverland Ranch, Elephant Man's bones and his hyperbaric oxygen chamber are just a few of the bizarre behaviors linked to him. Many of the stories were blatant fabrications; however, Michael's publicist sometimes chose not to refute them as they kept people talking.

Of course, dangling his child out of a hotel window and sleeping with children certainly contributed to the idea that he had become undone. Still somehow now, none of this controversy is important. All the concerted efforts of the media to reduce him to a sideshow freak have failed spectacularly as we examine the facts. The London O2 concerts give us an idea of the ferocious loyalty of his fans. 800,000 tickets were sold out in 5 hours and this is nearly twice the sales of his hay day performances back in 1988. The Staple Center Memorial site reports receiving a half billion hits. Amazon reported that 60% of all CD sales were fans buying anything with his name on it. Barnes and Nobles actually sold out of his CDs, DVDs and books.

Even China, a country known for rejecting American excesses, gave him full page coverage on the country's largest Website, Sina.com. Predictably--Japanese media gave massive coverage to the death of "Michael-san," as did CNN in Asia. The three biggest cable news networks - CNN, Fox News Channel and MSNBC - averaged 8.2 million viewers in prime-time a figure nearly doubled their normal viewers. BBC reported an increase in viewers second only to the night when Barack Obama was elected President. Russian, South American, Canadian, Australian and African media reaction was equally massive.

It has been 13 years since Michael has toured and many wondered could he really deliver anything close to a smooth moonwalk or the youthful energy of his "Thriller" or "Bad" performances or would this just be another misadventure tailor-made for tabloid consumption. Even the promoters admitted being anxious but could not resist the possibilities and profitability of a Michael Jackson reemergence. The press voiced serious doubts that at 50 he could pull off the grueling 50-date O2 concert. However, video footage of his final days showed that his was poised to give the world one more thriller.

You could not help but wonder was this comeback story more about overly optimistic promoters trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Stories of him having skin cancer and a host of other chronic health problems have always persisted. He reportedly began his descent into prescription drug addiction shortly after his hair caught fire during the filming of a Pepsi commercial in 1984. The 1993 child molestation charges finally pushed him over the edge. Those close to the singer stated that by 1990 he had undergone about 10 plastic surgery procedures prompting some mental health experts to declare that Michael suffered from body dysmorphic disorder. This is a psychological illness that causes one to feel physically repulsive. In 1993 he shared that he had vitiligo in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. In December 2008, Michael Jackson biographer Ian Halperin, stated that he suffered from Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, a potentially fatal genetic illness, as well as emphysema and gastrointestinal bleeding. His management vehemently denied most of this. However, we all wondered as images of him in a wheelchair and his zombie-like gaze during his last molestation trial were circulated.

Despite all the speculation about his mental/physical health status, he passed his physical for Tour Insurance "with flying colors," according to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips. The photographer Kevin Mazur who had been following Michael for the past 30 years and was documenting the rehearsals for the tour book stated "Michael was back - that's all I could say," Everyone close to Michael from his choreographer to the shows producers agree about this. He looked energized and ready to give the performance that would bring him back to his former glory and maybe beyond. His O2 concert series was to begin in July and be followed by a world tour.

True to form... MJ's death can not be neatly explained. It seems the king of pop will remain the King of Tabloid long after he is laid to rest. He has now undergone two autopsies and the cause of death is still inconclusive. Toxicology reports due back in 3 to 4 weeks may shed some light on the cause of death. Police reportedly removed the powerful drug Propofol, marketed under the brand name Diprivan from his Holmby Hills rented home. How this drug came to be in his possession is certain to be pursued by LA police and the DEA.

His personal doctor Dr. Murray and a host of other doctors/enablers will undoubtedly come under further scrutiny even though the Los Angeles police state that presently there is no evidence of foul play. Dr. Murray, a 56-year-old cardiologist with a practice in Las Vegas and a clinic in Houston, has lived in numerous homes over the last decade in several states. His former partner also a doctor in Houston was incarcerated for rather liberally distributing prescription drugs. According to public records Dr. Murray filed for personal bankruptcy in 1992 in California and has five tax liens against him for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Health Grades, a health care ratings company, indicates that he is not board certified in his two specialties, internal medicine and cardiology. While certification is not required to practice a specialty, it is recommended and indicates a high level of training and expertise. We have to wonder why someone of Michael's stature would hire anyone with less than impeccable credentials.

As we ponder the global appeal of this singular pop star and try to grasp the media frenzy and worldwide outpouring of emotion around his passing we have to ask why we are so transfixed. What is at the core of this phenomenon? This man-child as Paul McCartney so aptly describes him--who for a moment upstaged all world events including wars, the swine flu, the world's economic collapse and Kim Jong-il's nuclear ambitions.

Why did the world stand still for this pop star? His shy effeminate demeanor, surgically disfigured face and endless tales of bizarre behavior don't add up to the Mr. Clean image that idol makers typically package. He was never classically "commercial". He was certainly not a good fit for the hardcore rocker or hip-hop image because despite the phenomenal sales of the "Bad" album he was much more cute then "bad" when he released this album. In fact, imagining Michael as bad or intimidating is perfect material for a Saturday Night Live skit.

Everyone close to Michael from Deepak Chopra to his manager all agree that his adult years have been deeply troubled and he only seemed to find peace and fulfillment when he was performing and receiving a "fix" from his adoring fans. Interestingly, despite his painful recollections about his father's abuse, when asked if he would give it all back to have a normal childhood, he said no.

Michael's refusal to "grow up"- his child-like idealism is perhaps in the end the key to his universal appeal. Our grown up world is a world where 963 million people across the world are hungry and wars inflict incalculable suffering and depletion of valuable resources. Everyday a child dies every five seconds from hunger-related causes. In the past decade around 2 million children have been killed in armed conflict. This is the world of so-called competent grown ups.

When we examine the life and contributions of Michael Jackson we must conclude that he was much more than a song and dance man. His consistent and some say naive messages of love and unity are perhaps why the world is reeling from the loss of this gentle soul. Of course, the media has never widely reported that he has given generously to 39 charities throughout the world. Unsurprisingly, many of these charity's primary mission was the well being of children.

As we begin to grasp Michael's universal appeal it becomes clear that this self-proclaimed king of pop was singular, vast, and timeless enough to be genuinely deserving of this distinction. His magical performances transported us away from the relentless banality/brutality of the REAL world...and allowed us to escape to a musical Never Neverland. For this we are eternally grateful... and we will all delight in his rich musical legacy forever and ever ...and ever.