Monday, July 12, 2010

Inspiration From the Life and Death of Michael Jackson

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It's the summer of 2009 and the world pays tribute to a much loved, celebrated icon, Michael Jackson. It's sad to see him go. I have been a fan of The Jacksons and then Michael Jackson since my childhood days. And though I never met him, it feels as though my own brother has passed away. Being one who chooses to look on the brighter side (though as in this case, that's often very hard) I have decided to look on the highlights of Michael's life and draw insight from his death. It helps to ease the pain, as I believe he would have wanted for his fans. I draw three points of inspiration from the life and death of Michael Jackson and I invite you to share them with me:

(1) Michael Jackson went for his dreams with full gusto. And reached them.
His ambition began brewing early in his career. It was his dream to become the biggest force in entertainment. With the help of Quincy Jones on his 1982 Thriller a megahit was made, with several others following. His 1987/1989 tour promoting Bad was the largest ever by any solo performer. It resulted in record sales of over 750 million. And Bad is still the only album in history to generate five No.1 hits. He clearly never did anything in half-measures.

(2) Michael Jackson achieved much and gave much as well.
Through his charity, the Heal the World Foundation, founded in 1992, he airlifted 46 tons of supplies to Sarajevo, donated millions of dollars to the world's less fortunate children, contributed to drug and alcohol abuse education and covered the costs of a Hungarian child's liver transplant. He also donated millions of dollars from proceeds of his tours and concerts through this charity. He is listed in the 2000 Guinness Book of World Records as breaking the record for the Most Charities supported by a Pop Star, having donated to 39 charities besides his own.

(3) Michael Jackson, in spite of his megastar status, was a human being like you and I
Humanity is frail. No matter the heights we attain in life we shall all be leveled in death. It is humbling to acknowledge that we are dust, and to dust we shall all return. Though life can be exciting and filled with success, death is also a fact of life. It's just that we must each wait our turn. It was Michael's turn, and so he has left us. One day it will be yours and mine. It should therefore be our aim to fulfill our God-given life purpose, before our time is up. I'll surely be keeping this in mind.

Let us learn from Michael Jackson to pursue our dreams with full gusto, be inspired to achieve much and to give more in return, and that we all have a final appointment to keep with Our Maker some day. As we step out of this life to keep this great appointment, may we be able to look back on a life that fulfilled its purpose. And to look forward, well prepared.

Copyright © 2009 Oma Edoja

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