Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How to Draw Your Favorite Comic Book Characters

Image : http://www.flickr.com

How do you draw comic book characters? This is not a very funny question like you may be thinking. Drawing a comic book character really does not need a lot of explanation. Comics are been around for a long time, and just like bell bottoms they come and they go in popularity. There are a few basic things to know when you decide that you would like to draw comics like some of your favorite comic book authors.

The skill of drawing is of course a major plus. In order to draw a comic book character it does require some artistic skills. Scribbles on paper do not constitute as a proper drawing. So, if you don't feel that you can draw these characters that you may need to take a different approach.

If you don't think you can master the skill of drawing characters overnight. Remember that practice makes perfect. You can not expect to know how to do anything in one day. The first approach to take is to get some tracing paper. Tracing is a great way to develop genuine drawing skills. When you trace something a lot of times when you go back to draw, it's ten times easier. While tracing, pay attention to all the lines that coincide with the character you want to draw. You can also; purchase a book on general drawing this will help you get the technique down.

Get friends and family to join in with you on this new found past time. Remember with practice and determination you can succeed at all you do. Keep a supportive group of people around you while you are learning to draw your own comics. Any negativity can easily drive you off of course. And, do not engulf your life in trying to develop this skill. If comic book drawing is your passion, leave it at that. Do not blow off the people that love you.

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