Monday, April 5, 2010

Your Physical Wellness

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The physical wellness of any person is of the utmost importance. How well in tune each of our bodies are will dictate what you can and cannot do on a daily basis. Taking care of you should be number one in life. If you are not in a place where your physical wellness is top priority, you could end up suffering in many ways that are not very pleasant. Even though we all like to have fun, indulge, and be careless on occasion, it can come back to haunt us in the future. To make sure that you are taking care of yourself properly, a checklist of things can be done to be sure that you are not endangering your health now and for the future.

Taking Care Of Your Body

When it comes to making sure your physical wellness is taken care of you must first consider what you consume each and every day. This includes the things you subject your self to second hand as well. While taking care of your body includes eating right and getting enough rest, it also includes avoiding certain things that can be harmful as well. Even if you have the best diet, get plenty of rest and exercise, you could be doing things that will eventually make your body weak. While most things in moderation will not have any negative long-term effect on your body or health, some types of medications and substances can. Other substances can cause issues the first time you try then and should be avoided at all cost.

Tobacco and Drug Use

Tobacco and illicit drug use has been on the rise for many decades now. People try to excuse the repercussions of these drugs with many falsehoods. Excuses such as "this is natural" or "just once in a while will not hurt" could not be further from the truth. These drugs are very addictive and end up becoming depended on long term. Your physical wellness ends up severely compromised from this use. Tobacco causes asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and cancer. Drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroine, and prescription drugs affect the nervous system and are linked to neurological disorders such as Parkinson's, Severe Depression, Schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's disease. For some people it only takes one time use to cause any illness or even death. Drugs of this type should be avoided all together for optimum health benefits.

Alcohol And Your Health

When it comes to your physical wellness and over all health, alcohol may be an issue or not. Not everyone responds to alcohol the same way. There is no evidence that an occasional drink can have any adverse effect on all people. In fact, an occasional alcoholic beverage can have many health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and increasing blood flow. It is the abuse of alcohol that can have negative health complications. Alcoholism affects the nervous system and can disease the liver after long-term use. The body can no longer detoxify, and eventually poisons itself. Frequent alcohol use can also cause weight gain, as it contains high amounts of sugar in it. The best way to avoid the adverse effects on your health is to not drink at all or to only drink once and awhile.

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