IT WAS the a lot of heart-rending, affectionate moment of the Michael Jackson tragedy - his three abashed accouchement gazing down at their asleep amoroso in a algid hospital emergency room.
Holding his easily in theirs, accommodating him to appear alive. Whispering prayers for him as tears formed down their cheeks.

In a agitating interview, the star's abutting sister La Toya reveals how she led Paris, 12, Prince Michael, 11, and seven-year-old Blanket to Michael's ancillary to say goodbye to him just afterwards he died.
"It was Paris who said she capital to see her amoroso 'one endure time'," says La Toya. "So I took them into the room. There was a anhydrate over his face. I aerial it and Paris said, 'Oh Daddy, I adulation you'.
"We hugged, and I kissed him on the forehead and the accouchement aerial up his hands. He just didn't attending like he was gone. His eyes were bisected open, it was as if he was resting.
"The kids had been agreeable - but already they were in that allowance and saw Michael they chock-full and became calm."
oday, cogent the children's adventure for the aboriginal time, La Toya aswell acutely reveals how:
DADDY'S babe Paris, who bankrupt a actor hearts with her canonizing account tribute, WRITES LETTERS to her asleep father.
THE admiring youngster angry a FAREWELL GIFT - one bisected of her favourite split-heart chaplet - assimilate his arm in the casket afterwards La Toya had dressed him up in his favourite PEARL- STUDDED JACKET and GOLD BELT.
ALL three accouchement were so cloistral from the apple they DIDN'T KNOW until afresh their dad was a superstar - and they STILL DON'T KNOW Debbie Rowe is their absolute mum.
Singer La Toya began by reliving her alarm as she heard the account of her brother's afterlife - and how she had an awesome PREMONITION of it.
"I was at my home just three account from Michael's and was talking to a acquaintance about the actuality that Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMann off the Johnny Carson appearance had just died.

"I said, 'There's traveling to be addition one because they consistently go in threes'. About an hour and a bisected afterwards my ancestor alleged to say Michael had been rushed to hospital.
"I jumped into my car and kept calling my mother's abettor allurement 'How is he?' But he wouldn't say.
"Finally, I heard Mother in the accomplishments yelling, 'Why don't you just acquaint her?'
"Then she affective the buzz off him and screamed: 'HE'S DEAD!' I about comatose my car. My legs went weak."
When La Toya got there at aboriginal a assistant told her Michael was still alive.
"Suddenly I acquainted so good," she says. "Then I saw Mother with the kids on her lap who were all crying. They said, 'He's gone'. I fell to the arena and couldn't stop crying.
"But I bent authority of myself afterwards about 20 account and realised I had to be able for the accouchement who were all screaming."
It was afresh that La Toya - with her brothers Randy and Jermaine and her nephew Austin - took the youngsters to see their father's body. "I asked them, 'What do you wish to say to Daddy?' and they said clandestine things to him," says La Toya.
"Paris was captivation his hand. We were all sitting about the bed.
"His chest was actual red from the attempts to animate him but he was cutting no composition and looked fine. He was NOT baldheaded as some belletrist accept said. Everything looked fine.
"We all said prayers out loud over him. We did that absolutely a few times over bisected an hour. If we absolved out that allowance the kids didn't cry. They were silent. They had closure." Back then, Paris has taken her father's afterlife harder than her brothers. She wears Michael T-shirts every day and the walls of her allowance are covered with posters and pictures of her daddy.
"She still writes him belletrist - candied admirable belletrist about how abundant she loves him," says La Toya, captivation aback tears. "Michael told us Paris consistently wrote addendum for him."
One, accounting endure week, says: "Daddy, I don't anticipate I was accomplishing actual able-bodied today. I noticed that if I looked over at Blanket he looked a little sad.
" I capital to apperceive why he was sad but he wouldn't acquaint me. Do you anticipate you can advice me amount out why he was sad, because I wish him to be as blessed as I am and you are."
La Toya says: "Her belletrist are brilliant. If you apprehend them you cry.
"I anticipate she'll be an amateur if she grows up. She is consistently singing her daddy's songs."
The boys, she says, are aggravating to cope. "Prince Michael is not breaking down like Paris. Afterwards he'd apparent his father's physique at the hospital, I saw him get stronger as we absolved abroad down the corridor," says La Toya.
"He hasn't cried back that day. But I wish him to cry. I've told him, 'It's OK to cry'.
"Blanket is ambrosial and is arresting fine." La Toya reveals how Jackson's youngest son came from a donor egg and donated sperm.
She says: "Michael didn't wish to apperceive who the biological parents were. They took eggs from a donor and I accept the agent came from one of 5 donors best from a book. I don't apperceive who agitated the adolescent and if the agent knew whose adolescent she was carrying.
"Michael was appreciative of Blanket and of all of his children. They were his prime concern."
La Toya reveals how Paris paid a abstruse final adieu to Jackson's accessible casket at Forest Lawn Cemetery on the night afore the bright star-studded canonizing service.
The boys didn't wish to go and the abandoned added humans there were La Toya, her business accomplice Jeffre Phillips and brother Randy.
They watched in tears as Paris produced a bargain brownish split-heart affection chaplet and started aggravating to tie it about her father's neck.
The pendants appear in pairs. Friends or lovers anniversary abrasion one bisected of the affection - which changes colour if it touches the derma - as a attribute of their adherence to anniversary other.
Paris was cutting her half-heart at the canonizing service. La Toya says: "Paris had bought the chaplet as a adieu allowance for her daddy. At aboriginal she approved to put it about his neck, but it didn't tie up, so she captivated it about his arms.
"Then she affiliated her bisected affection and his together, said, 'Daddy this is for you', and pulled them afar again.
"She told me, 'I wish one bisected to go to Amoroso and I will abrasion the added bisected forever. On Amoroso it will be dejected because he is cold. On me it's purple'.
"She afresh pulled out a bag of children's play gemstones and put them on Michael's chest and about his body. It was actual moving."
La Toya had fabricated abiding Jacko's adieu was as baroque as one of his date appearances.
He was decked out in a cream- coloured, bugle-beaded and pearl- encrusted aggressive jacket, a big gold belt with a catch adorned by two angels and atramentous trousers with sequins.
She aswell abandoned a brace of the superstar's brand gloves and sunglasses into the £25,000 casket.
"He looked like the approved Michael - he looked fabulous," she says. La Toya brushes abreast questions about his adenoids and his attraction with artificial surgery. "He was teased about his adenoids as a adolescent so he had it altered, that's all," she said. What La Toya is agog to allocution about is how how Paris abashed the apple by speaking at her dad's canonizing service.
She says: "Either if Smokey Robinson or Stevie Wonder were assuming Paris aside to me, 'Auntie La Toya I wanna go up there and say something about Daddy'.
"I didn't wish to abort her, so I said OK. I knew Paris would do something like that because we knew how abundant she admired her father. She showed the apple how abundant he meant to her with that speech.
"All that anniversary she had asked, 'Why did they yield him away?', but what she said about Michael getting the best amoroso in the apple was perfect."
La Toya explains why all the accouchement angry up afterwards the brand masks her brother consistently insisted they wore. "They didn't abrasion masks at the burial because we wish them to reside a accustomed activity now," she says. "If we'd kept the masks on, humans would accept been coursing them. By demography the masks off we are acquisitive humans will leave them abandoned to heal. We are hiring a appropriate affliction advocate to advice them accord with this."
She reveals how the accouchement were so adequate from the apple about them they NEVER realised Jacko was a superstar. "You accept to bethink these kids accept never apparent their ancestor accomplish as Michael wasn't touring afterwards they were born," says La Toya.
"Michael was cat-and-mouse to abruptness them in London. I anamnesis them adage recently, 'Auntie La Toya - assumption what? Our amoroso is a superstar'.
"The accouchement don't even watch boilerplate TV. They watch Nickelodeon, which is monitored, or movies. Michael never accustomed them to watch TV as there are so abounding advancing things."
He aswell ensured that Paris and Prince Michael were kept able-bodied abroad from Debbie Rowe - the assistant he affiliated to accept them - and never knew that she was their mother.
"The accouchement don't even apperceive who she is," says La Toya. "They accept met her but Michael never alien her as their mother. HE was their mother, their father, their accomplished world."